Practicing gratitude helps us focus on good things in our life and thus experience happy emotions. It’s not just about feeling thankful, but taking time to notice and reflect on things that we are grateful for. It is this deeper appreciation that produces long-lasting positivity.
In Positive Psychology Gratitude is a tool for increasing well-being. Researches indicate that people who practise gratitude are more optimistic in many areas of their life. Gratitude is also a powerful tool to strengthen relationships and to foster self-control.
How do we apply this in our life? Let’s start with one simple step.
Before going to bed take a few minutes to think of three good things that happened to you today. However small it is. Try doing this even on a hard day, as I call it, hunt for the good! If you feel that you are too tired to do it in the night, then schedule it in the morning.
Consider keeping a Gratitude Journal. Writing and keeping a record of all the good things is an opportunity to further reinforce the positive emotions. To quote Sarah Breathnach “As the months pass and you fill your journal with blessings, an inner shift in your reality will occur. Soon you will be delighted to discover how content and hopeful you are feeling.”
How does Gratitude journaling help?
Studies done by Robert Emmons, a leading scientific expert on Gratitude, show that people practising gratitude can increase happiness levels by about 25%.
At end of each day, asking yourself these four questions, and journaling it can help bring to the forefront of your mind, all the things that you are grateful for.
♣ What touched me today?
♣ Who or what inspired me today?
♣ What made me smile today?
♣ What’s the best thing that happened today?
Happy Journaling!